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Category Archives: Health

How to solve the problem of “insomnia” correctly?

Insomnia problems can happen to everyone. Which some people may be able to solve by using sleeping pills. But did you know that if you can solve the problem right away, it will make it easier to fall asleep? Have you ever wondered why we

What is Cardio exercise?

Cardio exercise It is an exercise that helps strengthen the muscles of the heart and strengthen the lungs. Helps transport oxygen to the heart and lungs better. It also stimulates the heart rate. Adjust blood pressure levels to normal. And it can also burn off

Nutrients that weight training people should consume.

 Let’s look at what weight training people need to eat. And how to eat appropriately and promote health the best? People who weight train should receive key nutrients including: You should eat these foods in the right amount. In order to get enough energy to

The age of menopause. 

The most common age range is 50-59 years. However, women’s physical differences make each person’s menopause situation different. About 15-20% of women will not have any adverse reactions. In addition to menstruation only health. Menopausal symptoms that can be found. In addition to the end

Child for counselling? “Child Psychiatrist”

When should I take my child for counselling? “Child Psychiatrist“ In addition to giving love, warmth, caring and other necessary resources Another difficulty in raising children to grow up completely and properly. Is to try to observe that their own children have problems or developmental abnormalities. emotional and behavioral social aspect or

Why you always wake up with a stuffy nose

5 common reasons why you always wake up with a stuffy nose. Have you ever woken up in the morning and took a deep breath? for the first time of the day Only to find that you can’t take a deep breath through your nose. Many people

Infectious diseases from saliva of dogs and cats fatal

Infectious diseases from saliva of dogs and cats fatal We are one of those people who have never had a pet in the house. But likes to play with friends’ pets very much, even though he likes dogs and cats very much. Parents will always repeat that they